Gentle Holistic approach to physical and emotional pain
Acupuncture, Herbs and Energy Healing – Relieve physical and energetic aspects of suffering. Good quality acupuncture needles and organic or pesticide-free herbal medicine is used custom-made and in standard herbal formulas.
Nutrition – Fine-tune the body with proper eating substances and habits.
Vibration Series Technique™ – Affect all layers of the underlying causes of an affliction.
Homeopathy and Aromatherapy – Change the more subtle levels.
Music, Prayers and Chanting – Clears negative energy and aids spiritual development.
Evaluation of Living Space – Places with numerous energy problems have been found to contribute to high incidences of serious diseases.
Remote Healing – It is not always necessary to be physically present to experience healing, energy can be transmitted to any distance.
Radioesthesia – Used to select compatible supplements and herbs, as well as for diagnostic purposes.
Additional Diagnostic Tools – Face, pulse, tongue diagnosis or iridology will be used.